The purpose of the student trip is to work with our four crèche projects. The students choose to work for a week with a particular crèche. The trip also provides an opportunity to interact with Indian people and experience life in this fascinating developing country.This year's student visit to our creche projects in Kodaikanal was again a great success and experience for all concerned. This is a pictorial record of work done and other activities our students were involved in.
Little Lilies 2015
We were delighted to see the creche and its staff. Considerable work had been completed in the twelve months since our last visit. The right hand red brick section painted purple in the image below has replaced the corrugated iron shed (see images in 2014 update). This has almost doubled the space for the children, not forgetting that the crèche role is capped at fifty 'students'. The building materials have been reduced to just a small pile of sand which was being used up to construct a brick shed to store materials behind the creche.
New classroom at Little Lilies at right (purple section) |
Corrugated iron shed at Little Lilies back in 2003 |
Creche students (doing a yoga-inspired dance) inside the new classroom. |
Painting under way inside new classroom. |
Completed paintwork |
Little Lilies staff with Ecolint team in front of the creche on our departure day. |
Our students spent their time interacting with the children and working on the building. Work done included painting the new extension, helping the builder construct a store-room at the rear of the crèche and participating in the cook-stove project.
All students had the opportunity to install cook stoves in a local home. |